Peru: PPP accumulates investment worth over US$34 billion in 20 years

Peru: PPP accumulates investment worth over US$34 billion in 20 years
Photo: Authority for Reconstruction with Changes of Peru

LIMA, Feb 10 (NNN-ANDINA) — Investments worth more than US$34 billion in strategic sectors such as sanitation, ports, and electricity, among others, are the accumulated positive impact of the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) mechanism over the past 20 years in Peru, Private Investment Promotion Agency (ProInversion) Executive-Director Jose Salardi has reported.

The official announced that the promoting entity expects to award PPP projects worth US$3 billion this year —mainly concentrated in sectors such as energy, sanitation, health, transportation, and real estate.

During his speech at the National Convention of Mayors, organized by the Association of Municipalities of Peru (AMPE)Salardi also highlighted the development opportunities existing at the national level thanks to mechanisms such as: Proyectos en Activos (Projects in Assets) and Obras por Impuestos (Works for Taxes).

The ProInversion executive-director specified that during the past 15 years public investment has been decentralized through Works for Taxes, worth over S/6.4 billion (over US$1.665 billion)thus benefiting more than 20 million Peruvians.

In this regard, the ProInversion head encouraged those mayors present at the event to identify projects under these modalities supported by technical and decentralized advice from the entity.

He indicated that the promoting entity has nine decentralized service points and an itinerant team specialized in providing advice, knowledge transfer, and capacity building to authorities and subnational officials.

ProInversion promotes private investment through Public-Private Partnerships, Projects in Assets, and Works for Taxes for their incorporation into public services, public infrastructure, assets, projects, and State-run companies in accordance with its powers. — NNN-ANDINA


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