Racist Policies Lead To Inequality In Resource Distribution Across U.S.: Study

Racist Policies Lead To Inequality In Resource Distribution Across U.S.: Study

WASHINGTON, Feb 8 (NNN-XINHUA) – Racist policies in the United States, have led to inequality in resource distribution among communities in cities across the country, a study led by Boston University showed.

The study showed, compared to predominantly White neighbourhoods, predominantly Black neighbourhoods had two percent less green space, and neighbourhoods with racial minorities other than Black had 11 percent less green space.

Compared to White neighbourhoods, neighbourhoods with racial minorities other than Black had 17 percent more multi-family homes, while neighbourhoods with Black residents and neighbourhoods with residents representing a variety of races and ethnicities had six percent and four percent more multi-family homes, respectively.

The researchers found that these inequalities contributed to racial minorities’ health problems, such as sleep problems, asthma, etc.– NNN-XINHUA


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