Colombian gov’t suspends ceasefire with ELN guerrillas

Colombian gov’t suspends ceasefire with ELN guerrillas

BOGOTA, Jan 5 (NNN-Xinhua) — The Colombian government has decided to suspend ceasefire with the National Liberation Army (ELN), after the guerrilla group denied it was part of a bilateral ceasefire agreement announced by Colombian President Gustavo Petro on New Year’s Eve.

“In view of the position taken yesterday (by the ELN), advising that a ceasefire agreement should be taken up at the negotiating table, we have decided to suspend the Dec. 31, 2022 decree and address it in the next round of talks,” Interior Minister Alfonso Prada said at a press conference.

The government’s initial ceasefire announcement followed an ELN request in December, after the group agreed to abide by a unilateral ceasefire from Dec. 24 to Jan. 2 for the holiday season, Prada said.

“We invite this organization to declare a verifiable truce in response to the imperative call of ethnic and peasant communities to maintain a bilateral ceasefire and non-violence in their territories,” he added.

Since taking office in 2022, Petro, Colombia’s first leftist president, has proposed a “Total Peace” policy involving the country’s various armed factions to put an end to over 50 years of fighting that has victimized millions of people.

Negotiations between the government and the ELN, the country’s last recognized rebel group, have been under way since November.

A first round of peace talks since Petro came to power in August concluded in Caracas, Venezuela on Dec 12 without a truce being agreed.

Another round of talks is due to take place in Mexico, although no date has been set.

Prada said the issue of a ceasefire will be taken up again in Mexico. — NNN-XINHUA


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