Italy approves new decree to stop migratory flow

Italy approves new decree to stop migratory flow

ROME, Dec 30 (NNN-PRENSA LATINA) — The Italian government approved a new decree with stricter regulations aimed at trying to stop the migratory flow, particularly the landings of humanitarian ships in Italian ports, as reported a spokesperson.    

A bill on this issue was presented by the Minister of the Interior, Marcello Piantedosi, and given the green light during the last meeting of the Council.

According to Piantedosi, the new decree on urgent provisions for the management of migratory flows “aims to reconcile the need to guarantee the safety of persons recovered at sea, in accordance with relevant international and national law, with that of protecting public order and safety.”

Among other measures, it establishes that rescue vessels may transit and intervene only for relief, under the control and indications of territorial authorities, and otherwise, fines between 10,000 to 50,000 euros will be imposed on the captain and the owner, and the ship could even be confiscated.

It also indicates that “the transit and anchoring of ships in the territorial waters are aprroved in any case with the sole purpose of guaranteeing the rescue and assistance on land of the people on board to protect their safety”, and they must arrive without delay at the assigned port to complete the rescue operation.

Humanitarian organizations will be able to carry out a single rescue, and immediately inform the authorities to request the disembarking of these people in a safe port, while transfers from one ship to another will be prohibited.

Migrants on board will be asked if they intend to request international protection, so that the flag country of the ship takes charge of the request.

Piantedosi recently announced the intention of the Italian Government to take measures to “fight illegal migratory flow and defend our borders” since, as he said, “the current situation is unsustainable for our country.”

Meanwhile, Italian authorities authorized the landing of 489 irregular migrants at several ports on the eastern coast of the southern island of Sicily, a spokesperson reported on Wednesday.    

A spokesperson for the Italian Coast Guard told the Giornale di Sicilia that the immigrants come from Libya and were rescued by patrol boats in the Mediterranean Sea, south of the Sicilian town of Portopalo di Capo Passero.

On Wednesday, 180 people will be transferred in Augusta, 205 in Catania and 104 in Messina, ports located on the eastern coast of Sicily, the source indicated.

On Tuesday, the Italian Government authorized the Ocean Viking ship, of the humanitarian organization SOS Mediterranée, to land 113 migrants in the northeastern port city of Ravena, in the Emilia Romaña region, nearly 1,700 km from the place where they were rescued.

This ship was expected to arrive in that town at around 13:00 hours, local time, on Dec 31. Among the people on board were 23 women, some were pregnant, 30 unaccompanied minors and three newborn babies, including a three-week-old baby, a spokesperson for the vessel said.

Italy decided to authorize a port for the Ocean Viking to dock a month after banning the ship from landing 234 migrants, who were finally taken to the port of Tolon, in France, which caused tensions between both countries.

SOS Mediterranée said in a public letter that they were relieved for the survivors on board, but they were concerned about other posible vessels in danger in the central Mediterranean Sea, as they are the only search and rescue organization currently operating in the sea.

Over 1,300 people have perished so far this year in the central Mediterranean Sea alone, according to a recent report by the International Organization for Migration (IOM). — NNN-PRENSA LATINA


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