President of Peru: No impunity in case of deaths during protests; assured 2024 elections will be clean, honest, transparent

President of Peru: No impunity in case of deaths during protests; assured 2024 elections will be clean, honest, transparent
Photo:ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

LIMA, Dec 30 (NNN-ANDINA) — Pres Dina Boluarte affirmed that no impunity will be tolerated in the case of people who died during the protests that took place in various regions across Peru.

Likewise, the Head of State underscored that the Government will provide all the necessary facilities to the Public Ministry and the Judicial Branch so that they can individualize the facts.

The remarks were delivered on Thursday morning at a working meeting with members of the Foreign Press Association of Peru (APEP) at the Government Palace in the Peruvian capital, Lima.

In her speech, the dignitary explained that when she took office —in a constitutional manner and following an attempted coup d’état— she had no idea that such violence was going to erupt throughout the country. 

Therefore —she added— announcing the decision to declare a State of Emergency in the country was necessary.

Impunity will not be tolerated. Facts have to be investigated and individualized. Besides, the Public Ministry and the Judiciary will assume their roles accordingly,” Mrs. Boluarte remarked.

We did not cause this violence. When I took office, I affirmed that this would be a government of dialogue because we came from behind, faced with tremendous polarization,” she stated.

In this regard, the country’s top official emphasized that violence and the deceased hurt her soul, adding that in the wake of the deaths, all the necessary facilities were given to the Public Ministry so that it can carry out its investigative work, in the exercise of its functional autonomy.

Likewise, the President of the Republic states that —at the initiative of the Executive Branch— the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) was invited to visit Peru in January 2023 so that it can complete its work and report its conclusions.

Boluarte also guaranteed clean, honest, and transparent general elections in April 2024, adding that Peruvians will receive an orderly country in said year.

The Head of State noted that elections could not be organized in three or four months, after a resignation from the President.

The dignitary explained that the aim of holding them in 2024 is to work with all political and social actors, as well as with unions, in order to change the history of Peru.

We will work on political reforms for you to receive an orderly country in the April 2024 elections, providing legal guarantees that they will be democratic, suitable, and transparent, without any hint of fraud or irregularity,” the President stated.

We will guarantee clean, honest, and transparent general elections,” she underlined.

In addition, Boluarte underscored that her resignation from the position of President of the Republic will solve absolutely nothing.

On the other hand, she commented that people in various regions of the country are receiving misleading information about her assumption of the Presidency.

For this reason, the dignitary announced that she will visit Cusco region on Friday so as to meet with local, regional, and southern Peruvian press, in a bid to discuss this issue and tell them that “Dina (Boluarte) did not move a single eyelash to make Pedro Castillo go through what he went through.

He (Pedro Castillo) was wrongly advised, and I want to know why this self-coup took place because, during the Council of Ministers, I recommended that the confidence motion not be presented, which was the starting point for everything that followed,” she added. — NNN-ANDINA


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