Security Forces Seized Eight Anti-Aircraft Guns In East Afghanistan

Security Forces Seized Eight Anti-Aircraft Guns In East Afghanistan

KABUL, Dec 29 (NNN-ANA) – The Afghan forces, during searching operations, discovered eight anti-aircraft guns, from the eastern Parwan province, said a statement of the Defence Ministry, released today.

The heavy weapons were found from the Jangal Bagh area, on the outskirts of provincial capital, Charikar city, 55 km north of Kabul, a couple of days ago, the statement said, without providing more details.

In similar operations, the security forces seized a quantity of arms and ammunition, including three pieces of RPG-7, from Marmol district of the northern Balkh province, recently.

The Taliban-run caretaker administration vowed to collect arms and ammunition from anyone except security forces personnel, in an effort to stabilise security in the country.– NNN-ANA  


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