Peru: Congress approves motion rejecting interference by Mexican, Colombian Presidents

Peru: Congress approves motion rejecting interference by Mexican, Colombian Presidents
Photo: Congress of the Republic of Peru

LIMA, Dec 29 (NNN-ANDINA) –Peru Parliament on Wednesday approved a motion that proposes to express rejection of the constant acts of interference in Peru’s internal affairs by the Presidents of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador; and Colombia, Gustavo Petro; among others.

Similarly, motion 5022 proposes that Congress reject the expressions by Colombian President Gustavo Petro for constituting a violation of international law to the detriment of the Republic of Peru.

This request also includes the Presidents of Bolivia, Luis Arce; and Argentina, Alberto FernandezCongress Foreign Affairs Commission Chairwoman Maria del Carmen Alva indicated when supporting the proposal.

The motion for the agenda was approved by majority, with 61 votes in favor, 41 against, and 5 abstentions.

Previously, the admission to debate of the aforementioned motion was voted —approved with 67 votes in favor.

Following the debate on these and other initiatives, Congress First Deputy Chairwoman Martha Moyano adjourned the plenary session thru 3:00 p.m. (local time).

They had support deposed ex-Pres Pedro Castillo who is currently under pre-trial detention for rebellion and conspiracy, after being impeached following his decision to dissolve Congress and rule by decree. — nnn-andina


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