Cuba acknowledges US progress in implementing migration agreements

Cuba acknowledges US progress in implementing migration agreements

HAVANA, Dec 27 (NNN-ACN) — After five years of sustained non-compliance by Washington of the migratory agreements with Cuba, at this moment progress can be appreciated, assured Johana Tablada, deputy director general of the United States at the Cuban foreign ministry.

In statements to Radio Reloj radio station, the diplomat mentioned the unjustified closure of the US consulate to Havana, based on extravagant and fake accusations about alleged attacks on diplomats, which even the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has recognized as unsustainable.

After a first round of talks in Washington on the migration issue since 2018, the United States began to grant visas to try to meet the no less than 20,000 annually committed, she noted.

Then, Tablada added, came the announcement that consular care operations for Cubans, absurdly transferred to Guyana, would return to Havana in early 2023.

According to Cuban diplomat, Washington fulfilled the annual quota of visas, but not the one accumulated in the years in which it did not grant them.

She explained that they are only issuing visas for family reunification, not including non-immigrant visas, that is, those by means of which more than 200,000 Cubans traveled and returned, without leaving the country definitively.

The deputy director general of the United States at Cuban foreign ministry considered it contradictory that the US, while advocating for greater socio-economic investment in nations of the area with high migratory flows, insists on collapsing Cuba’s economy and making life more difficult for its population.

In addition, she recalled the incentives that the United States maintains for the irregular migration of Cubans, and how it fails to comply with the part of the agreements of non-admission of people who arrive in its southern border by that route. — NNN-ACN


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