Covid-19 in Peru: Fifth wave recedes, people advised not to relax measures

Covid-19 in Peru: Fifth wave recedes, people advised not to relax measures
Photo: ANDINA/Carla Patiño

LIMS, Dec 27 (NNN-ANDINA) — The fifth wave of COVID-19 is probably coming to an end in Peru, but the population must continue to adhere to preventive measures as new outbreaks are not ruled out, said Cesar Munayco, Director of Public Health Surveillance at Minsa’s National Center for Epidemiology, Disease Prevention and Control (CDC).

(COVID-19) cases see a decline every day, and very few cases are likely to arise by the end of January,” the expert said.

The fifth wave is probably already ending, but new outbreaks or epidemics could occur later. For this reason, we must continue to adhere to the (preventive) measures,” he added.

Munayco emphasized that the first three waves caused social and economic dysfunction in the country, led to high mortality rates, and caused stress on health services.

However, he added, this impact was not observed in the fourth or fifth waves, due to increased response capacity because of the lower number of cases.

The CDC director underscored that the impact of COVID-19 over time has also caused a change in the behavior of Peruvians, given that the perception of the risk of getting sick or dying was very high at the beginning of the pandemic, but in the fourth and fifth waves said perception has been reduced.

According to the official, the endemic phase is being reached, and that is why we must prioritize some measures such as increasing COVID-19 vaccination coverage and promoting the use of facemasks in closed public spaces. 

The population must also exercise its role of protection,” he remarked.

The number of citizens infected with COVID-19 rose to 4,443,656 and the death toll stood at 218,072 in Peru as of Dec 24, the Ministry of Health (Minsa) has reported.

Within this framework, 664 cases were detected and 22 people passed away due to the virus on the analyzed day.
32,805,164 samples tested negative for COVID-19 —out of a total of 37,248,820.

It must be noted that 4,201,765 people have been discharged and declared healthy. Other 485 were hospitalized. — NNN-ANDINA


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