Pakistan Paid Tribute To Jinnah On 146th Birthday

Pakistan Paid Tribute To Jinnah On 146th Birthday

ISLAMABAD, Dec 26 (NNN-APP) – Pakistan yesterday celebrated the 146th birthday of the founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who led the suppressed Muslims of the Indian subcontinent against the British occupation, to get a separate homeland in 1947.

Jinnah, born on Dec 25, 1876, was given the title of Quaid-e-Azam (the great leader), by the Muslims of the Indian subcontinent, for his services to get a separate homeland. Following the foundation of Pakistan on Aug 14, 1947, Jinnah also served as the first governor-general of the country until his death on Sept 11, 1948.

Observing the birthday of the founding father of the nation, with traditional zeal and fervour, the Pakistani people paid rich tributes to his dedicated struggle and leadership.

The day started with the hoisting of the national flag at major government buildings, and with special prayer ceremonies for the security, progress and prosperity of the country.

Public and private departments were holding different events, including seminars, conferences, exhibitions, competitions and discussions, to recall the messages, vision, ideals and views of the father of the nation.

A change of guard ceremony was held at his tomb, in the southern port city of Karachi, where cadets from the Pakistan Military Academy took over guard duties from the Pakistan Air Force.

On the occasion, Pakistani President, Arif Alvi, expressed his gratitude and reiterated the nation’s commitment to always cherish and uphold Jinnah’s vision for Pakistan.

“We pledge ourselves to take the right decisions at the right time, and ensure the continuation of policies to create stability in the country,” said the president.

Pakistan Prime Minister, Shahbaz Sharif, in his message, called on the nation to take guidance from Jinnah’s life, follow his principles for the progress and prosperity of Pakistan.– NNN-APP  


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