Venezuelan gov’t endeavours to stabilize electricity system

CARACAS, April 13 (NNN-Xinhua) — The Venezuelan government set up working groups on Friday to implement a “strategic plan” to stabilize and boost the National Electric System (SEN).

The working groups are made up of two teams of multidisciplinary experts, one of which will deal with the current emergency in the SEN and the other will do a deep restructuring of the SEN “in response to new threats,” said Interior Minister Nestor Reverol.

The working groups will address the maintenance of the electricity system, including generation, transmission, and distribution at different stages, said Vice President Delcy Rodriguez.

She emphasized that the restructuring of the NEC is of great importance, whose goal is to “regain stability and achieve balances to guarantee service to our people.”

In March, Venezuela suffered two large-scale general outages. Authorities claimed that its electricity system suffered physical, cybernetic and electromagnetic attacks from inside and outside the country. — NNN-XINHUA


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