Sri Lanka Plans To End Power Cuts Next Year

Sri Lanka Plans To End Power Cuts Next Year

COLOMBO, Nov 26 (NNN-XINHUA) – Sri Lanka’s Power and Energy Minister, Kanchana Wijesekera, today told journalists that, he will take all possible measures to ensure uninterrupted power supply by Jan, next year.

Sri Lanka has been experiencing daily power cuts since Feb, 2022, and at one point the power cuts spanned for 13 hours, which are now down to around two hours a day.

The minister said, they have taken steps to drastically reduce power cuts in the last few months.

However, he pointed out that, it is impossible to do that without revising the electricity charges, saying that, it is best to revise the electricity bill in Jan and June every year.

Wijesekera also said that, they plan on boosting renewable energy in 2023, and that this is the best source of power for Sri Lanka.– NNN-XINHUA  


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