Minister warns Venezuela’s Maduro over US visa-toting officials

CARACAS, April 12 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Venezuela’s prisons minister called on President Nicolas Maduro to dismiss officials who hold US visas,
warning him there are “traitors” in his entourage.

“I ask the president to be careful of whoever has an American visa,” Iris
Varela told Venezuela’s state television.

“A person who has an American visa at this stage of the game is not
trustworthy enough to be at Comandante Nicolas Maduro’s side,” she said.

The prisons minister has a reputation for incendiary comments that have
earned her the nickname “Fosforito” or “little match” from Maduro, who as
well as being president, is commander of the armed forces.

Maduro has blamed his country’s crippling economic woes on US sanctions. He accuses Washington of plotting a coup along with opposition leader Juan
Guaido — recognized as interim president by the US and around 50 other

Varela said she was making her comments because of what she said was an
anticipated Maduro cabinet reshuffle.

“What I always ask the president of the republic is: be careful,” said the
minister. “There are traitors, there are people who have their price,” she

Guaido and the United States have repeatedly called on Venezuela’s powerful military brass, still loyal to Maduro, to defect.

In January, Varela threatened to arrest Guaido after the National Assembly
speaker declared himself interim leader under the constitution.

On Twitter she wrote: “Guaido, I’ve prepared you a cell, with a uniform,
I’m waiting for you to appoint your cabinet to know who will join you, Mister Speaker.” — NNN-AGENCIES


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