Cuba commemorates 105th anniversary of October Socialist Revolution

Cuba commemorates 105th anniversary of October Socialist Revolution

HAVANA, Nov 8 (NNN-ACN) — With a military ceremony at the Mausoleum to the Soviet Internationalist Soldier, in Havana, representatives of the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR) commemorated Monday the 105th anniversary of the triumph of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

The military institution published on Twitter a photograph of the event, which was presided over by member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and Major General Victor Rojo, head of the Political Directorate of the FAR.

In the Mausoleum, wreaths were laid by the FAR, the Cuban Friendship Institute (ICAP by its Spanish acronym), and the Russian and Belarusian embassies, to pay tribute to those soldiers who died while on an internationalist mission.

Major General Jose Carrillo, president of the Association of Combatants of the Cuban Revolution, stressed the importance of the October Revolution, an event that opened a new era in the history of mankind.

Valery Valerievich Baranoski, ambassador of Belarus to Cuba, pointed out that this historic event joined the people in values of justice, work and equality, and allowed the economic, technological, scientific, cultural, sports and social progress of the republics that made up the USSR.

The commemoration was also attended by Angel Arzuaga, deputy head of the international relations department of the Cuban Communist Party; Fernando Gonzalez, president of the ICAP, as well as heads of the FAR and the ministry of the Interior, and military attachés of the diplomatic corps accredited to Havana.

Meanwhile, Pres Miguel Diaz-Canel, evoked the impact of that first socialist experience in the world, which established a bipolar equilibrium.

On Twitter, the president pointed out that the October Revolution empowered workers and proved that socialism was possible.

As other achievements of the first workers’ and farmers’ state in history, Diaz-Canel mentioned the decisive contribution of Soviet troops in the victory against fascism during World War II, and scientific and technical advances such as the first manned flight into space in history, in 1961.

The Revolution made great achievements for the working class and for the people, both Russian and of all the nationalities that made up the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

This triumph also brought about a drastic change in the world correlation of forces, demonstrating that there were other forms of government and democracy, and that there were alternatives beyond capitalism. — NNN-ACN


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