Precision Air aircrash: Prime Minister awards 1m/- to a fisherman for heroic act during rescue mission

Precision Air aircrash: Prime Minister awards 1m/- to a fisherman for heroic act during rescue mission
Majaliwa Jackson

BUKOBA (Tanzania), Nov 7 (NNN-DAILYNEWS) — A fisherman in Bukoba Municipality has been awarded 1m/- by the Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa for his heroic act in Sunday’s plane crash that saved the lives of 24 people aboard Precision Air.

The young man, Majaliwa Jackson received the money from Kagera Regional Commissioner, Albert Chalamila on Monday during the public funeral ceremony held at Kaitaba Stadium in Kagera region.

Speaking during the ceremony, the RC said apart from the money awarded by the Prime Minister, authorities in Bukoba region will also award the teenager for his efforts.

Moreover, Chalamila asked the Prime Minister to allocate funds to the region to help train rescue skills to fishermen.

“I would like to request that the region be given money from the disaster funds, so as to enable the fishermen to get rescue training,” he said.

Meanwhile, President Samia Suluhu Hassan has ordered the Minister of Home Affairs to recruit Majaliwa Jackson into the Fire and Rescue Force for his heroic act of saving 24 lives of people aboard Precision Air.

The President who was closely following the funeral ceremony held at Kaitaba Stadium in Kagera region told the Prime Minister, Kassim Majaliwa who was leading the ceremony to publicly make the instruction.

Speaking during the event, Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa said the Rescue Force needs courageous men just like Majaliwa Jackson.

“Immediately after this ceremony, the Minister of the Home Affairs will meet this young man, take his address, follow all formalities and let us witness him going to the rescue force at once,” the Prime Minister said.

Additionally, he instructed the Permanent Secretary in the Prime Minister’s Office in the unit of coordination entrepreneurs to collect the names of all fishermen who were involved in the rescue mission for them to be trained.

His instructions came following a request made by the Kagera regional Commissioner earlier today asking for funds from the ministry for the training of the region’s fishermen. — NNN-DAILYNEWS


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