Peru’s FA Min: President to promote investments for Peru at APEC

Peru’s FA Min: President to promote investments for Peru at APEC
Photo: ANDINA/Andres Valle

LIMA, Nov 4 (NNN-ANDINA) — Peruvian Foreign Affairs Minister Cesar Landa said that the participation of President Pedro Castillo at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Forum, to take place in Thailand this month, will increase confidence in Peru and strengthen ties with the Asia-Pacific region.

In remarks to RPP Noticias, he stressed that the Head of State’s presence is aimed at attracting sustainable and responsible investments from a region where the South American country’s largest trading partners are located.

The government official recalled that Peru had hosted APEC twice, adding that the third occasion is coming in 2024. Thus, it is important that the Head of State travels to Thailand.

During the APEC summit, he said, Castillo will meet with his counterpart from China, Xi Jinping.

On Wednesday, Casstillo requested Parliament’s authorization to travel abroad, from Nov 14 to 21, to attend the 29th Economic Leaders’ Meeting at the APEC Forum and related events in Bangkok.

On Nov 18-19, the APEC Leaders’ Meeting will address the main challenges for the Asia-Pacific, such as the global economic recession, disruptions in supply chains, plus food and energy security.

Castillo also plans to participate in the APEC CEO Summit, on Nov 17, and meet with business associations from said bloc to present the opportunities offered by Peru for investment. — NNN-ANDINA


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