Cuba appreciates international solidarity against US blockade

Cuba appreciates international solidarity against US blockade

HAVANA, Nov 1 (NNN-ACN) — Manuel Marrero Cruz, Cuban PM, thanked the expressions of solidarity that were sent from different parts of the world during this weekend demanding the end of the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the US against Cuba.

The Cuban premier expressed his gratitude on Twitter for the support sent when the vote on the Resolution against the blockade is about to take place at the United Nations.

The foreign ministry in a tweet acknowledged those who called for putting an end to this unilateral policy maintained by the US administrations towards the island for more than 60 years.

On the same social network, the account Cuba vs. Blockade reported that on Sunday, Bridges of Love caravans were held in cities in Venezuela, Argentina, Bahamas, Canada and the United States.

The demand for the immediate lifting of the US blockade is a majority in the world, the message added.

On Nov 2 and 3, Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla, Cuban foreign minister, will present to the international community for the 30th consecutive time the report “Necessity of putting an end to the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States of America against Cuba”, which reflects the damages caused by the policy to the Cuban people. — NNN-ACN


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