Iran Calls For Expanding Trade Ties With Belarus To Counter Western Sanctions

Iran Calls For Expanding Trade Ties With Belarus To Counter Western Sanctions

TEHRAN, Oct 28 (NNN-IRNA) – Iranian Parliament Speaker, Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, said yesterday that, Iran’s expansion of economic and trade ties with Belarus can help minimise the impact of sanctions imposed by the U.S. and the West on both countries.

Qalibaf made the remarks in a meeting with visiting Belarusian Foreign Minister, Vladimir Makei, in the capital, Tehran.

He also urged unity of all the countries under the cruel sanctions of the U.S.-led West.

Qalibaf noted that, in the wake of the economic war that has been waged by the West, the Eurasian Economic Union member states are required to expand cooperation among themselves, and to this end, practical steps are needed and cumbersome bureaucracy and paperwork should be eliminated.

“We are witnessing the West’s double-standard behaviour as terrorists are perpetrating acts of terror in the Middle East. This comes as the West and the United States were the ones to have created the Islamic State (Daesh) in the region,” he said, pointing to a “terrorist attack” on a holy shrine in southern Iran on Wednesday that killed 15 and injured 19 others.

For his part, the Belarusian minister condemned the attack, calling for punishing those behind the attack.

Makei noted that Belarus, which adopts independent domestic and foreign policies, is opposed to imposing sanctions and illegal pressures on any countries.

Belarus sees Iran as its friend and will make efforts to move towards forming a more strategic partnership with Tehran, he added.– NNN-IRNA  


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