Wreath-Laying Ceremony Held At Friendship Tower In DPRK

Wreath-Laying Ceremony Held At Friendship Tower In DPRK

SEOUL, Oct 27 (NNN-YONHAP) – China and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), held a wreath-laying ceremony on Tuesday, at the Friendship Tower in Pyongyang, to commemorate the 72nd anniversary of China’s sending the Chinese People’s Volunteers (CPV) to the War, to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea.

Sun Hongliang, charge d’affaires ad interim of the Chinese embassy in DPRK, and staff members of the Chinese embassy attended the ceremony.

Kang Yun Sok, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the Supreme People’s Assembly (SPA), was among senior DPRK officials who attended the ceremony.

After solemnly performing national anthems of China and DPRK, the wreaths, in the name of the Chinese embassy, and in the joint name of the Workers’ Party of Korea Central Committee, the SPA Standing Committee of the DPRK, and the cabinet of the DPRK, were placed at the friendship tower, in tandem with echoing wreath-laying music.

The Friendship Tower was built in 1959 in Pyongyang, to commemorate the martyrs of the CPV.– NNN-YONHAP  


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