Hezbollah Threatens To Respond To U.S. Pressure On Iran

Hezbollah Threatens To Respond To U.S. Pressure On Iran

BEIRUT, Lebanon, April 11 (NNN-NNA) – Hezbollah leader, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, warned the United States that, the group will not remain silent to the threats and pressures imposed by the United States on Iran, Al-Manar local TV Channel reported.

“When we sense that our people and objectives are being threatened, we will act in the right way and all our options will be open. We will not limit ourselves to verbal reactions,” Nasrallah said, in a televised speech.

Nasrallah’s remarks came, after U.S. President, Donald Trump, designated Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) as a foreign terrorist organisation, two days ago.

“The only response so far has been condemnation and patience on our part … it is our duty to respond to anyone that tries to threaten our country, resistance or people,” Nasrallah said.

Nasrallah praised Iran’s IRGC for defending the nations of this region.

Nasrallah said, the U.S. government is the “source of terrorism in the world.”

He added that, Lebanon is about to face a very important challenge, which was voiced by Lebanese officials, of a possible decision by Trump to recognise Israel’s authority over Shebaa farms.

Trump has officially recognised, last month, Israeli sovereignty over the occupied Golan Heights, seized from Syria in 1967, which triggered strong condemnation all over the world.

“The only way to protect Lebanon and to turn it into a free and prosperous country is through resistance and unity,” Nasrallah said.– NNN-NNA


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