Photo Exhibition Kicked Off In Tokyo To Mark 50th Anniversary Of Normalisation Of China-Japan Diplomatic Ties

Photo Exhibition Kicked Off In Tokyo To Mark 50th Anniversary Of Normalisation Of China-Japan Diplomatic Ties

TOKYO, Oct 19 (NNN-NHK) – Over 130 photographs are shown at an exhibition, marking the 50th anniversary of the normalisation of the China-Japan diplomatic ties, here in Japan.

The exhibition, titled “Forever Neighbours,” is on its Japan tour after being held in Beijing in June.

With people-to-people exchanges as the main theme, the exhibition, which opened at Tokyo Tagenbunka Space yesterday, reflects the aspirations of people from all walks of life in China and Japan, hoping for friendships from generation to generation.

Apart from 110 photographs exhibited in Beijing, 27 photographs with Japanese characteristics have been included in Japan’s version of the exhibition.

The photographs were categorised into three parts, namely a review of Sino-Japanese exchange activities over 50 years, China in the eyes of the Japanese and Japan in the eyes of the Chinese, as well as, photographic works of young people from the two countries.

Yang Yu, charge d’affaires of the Chinese embassy in Japan, and former Japanese Prime Ministers, Yasuo Fukuda and Yukio Hatoyama, attended the opening ceremony.

During his congratulatory speech at the opening ceremony, Yang said that, peace, friendship, and win-win cooperation are the only correct choices for the two neighbouring countries.

It’s our common mission to renew our original aspiration for peace and friendship, draw inspiration from historical experience, adhere to the principles and spirit of the four political documents between China and Japan, and build a more mature and stable China-Japan relationship, under the guidance of the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries, said Yang.

It is believed that the precious pictures in this exhibition can lead us through history to relive the original aspirations for friendship, and enhance the sense of mission and responsibility for maintaining and developing the cause of China-Japan friendship, he said.

Hatoyama said that, Japan and China are not only neighbours who cannot move away, but also neighbours who do not want to move and are neighbours forever.

People-to-people friendship functions as an indispensable and important glue for the friendly relations between the two countries, he said, adding that, he looked forward to the improvement of Japan-China relations in the next 50 years, with the joint efforts of everyone.

Hideo Tarumi, Japanese ambassador to China, said in a letter of congratulation to the exhibition that he, as the Japanese ambassador to China and a photographer, meantime, hoped that the people of both countries can establish a relationship of mutual respect, recognition and help through photography.

The exhibition will last until Oct 30, with lectures given by photographers also to be held.– NNN-NHK


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