Colombia: FARC dissidents accept peace plan


BOGOTA, Oct 19 (NNN-PRENSA LATINA) — The Second Marquetalia, dissidents of the extinct Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army (FARC-EP) said that they accept the total peace proposal of President Gustavo Petro.

On Aug 7, Gustavo Petro was positioned as the new president of the Republic. The Colombian people have placed their trust in him and hope that he will achieve complete peace with citizen participation, with true democracy, social justice and national sovereignty’, he stated in a statement.

He pointed out that his government program emphasizes a dignified life for all, the containment of climate change, the generation of clean energies, the social shock plan against poverty, and the search for peace as an initial step to turn Colombia into a world power of life.

It will be possible to advance in these colossal goals if the people get involved with their opinion and support to the president, who counts on the hatred of the Colombian right wing and the United States empire’, he added.

He assured that in order to achieve peace it is necessary to overcome the war, defeat the monster of corruption, poverty, child malnutrition.

In addition, the government will have to comply with the 2016 Peace Agreement, according to the letter of what was agreed in terms of political reform, land, victims, substitution of illicit crops in alliance with peasant communities.

Likewise, he added, ‘the judicial prosecution of money laundering in Colombia must be opened immediately, and demand that the United States put an end to the hypocrisy of its war on drugs by allowing the CIA and the DEA to finance their destabilizing activities with drug trafficking money.’

He stressed that it will not be an easy task, since the Colombian extreme right wing, led by Uribismo, will continue to stand in the way of change. — NNN-PRENSA LATINA


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