New Research Project On Recyclables Underway In Fiji

New Research Project On Recyclables Underway In Fiji

SUVA, Oct 19 (NNN-PIN) – The Pacific Recycling Foundation (PRF) and Waste Recyclers Fiji Limited (WRFL) are working with international organisations and other partners, to research into glass crushing and using end products, and upcycling plastics into building blocks and other products, the Fiji Broadcasting Corporation reported, yesterday.

The PRF and WRFL are engaged in studies and research work, on sustainable recycling and upcycling projects for Fiji and the region, as well as, the collection of recyclables from remote and maritime areas.

“The idea is to develop a system through which recyclables will be transported from remote and maritime areas to a central point, and then sent to upcycling facilities,” PRF founder and WRFL director and CEO, Amitesh Deo was quoted as saying by the report.

He said, success of such projects will be vital, as in the long run, recycled products or materials can be used for housing and other kinds of projects, and the impact can be substantial for the Pacific island country and the region as a whole.

He said, they are also exploring options for involving informal waste pickers, mostly women, in the implementation of upcycling projects.– NNN-PIN  


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