Cuban authorities review recovery efforts in hurricane-affected provinces

Cuban authorities review recovery efforts in hurricane-affected provinces

HAVANA, Oct 18 (NNN-ACN) — Cuban government authorities, headed by Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz, are assessing in the province of Artemisa the progress of the recovery from the effects of Hurricane Ian.

In an exchange at the provincial government headquarters, it was reported that electricity service in Artemisa is at 98.39 % of recovery, with Bahia Honda being the most complex municipality in this area, still at 85.37%.

A total of 11,597 houses have been affected, with a predominance of partial and total damage to roofs, amounting to 6,538 and 2,040, respectively.

In the case of agriculture, around 9,480 hectares were affected, mainly banana, cassava and coffee; just over 6,770 hectares have already been recovered, and priority has been given to planting short-cycle crops.

At the same time, in another of the provinces affected by the hurricane, Esteban Lazo, president of the National Assembly of People’s Power (Parliament), visited the Surgidero de Batabano popular council, in the province of Mayabeque, to check the recovery process after the passage of Hurricane Ian.

On Twitter, the Parliament reported that deputy prime minister Jorge Luis Perdomo is also participating in the visit, which will include exchanges with the population and a meeting with the governor of Mayabeque, Tamara Valido Benitez, and other authorities of the province and the municipality of Batabano, where the town is located.

Meanwhile, the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC by its Spanish acronym) and the people in general of the province of Cienfuegos (central region) sent a new load of solidarity to Pinar del Rio (westernmost province), the territory most affected by hurricane Ian at the end of September.

Ana Ivis Gomez Hernandez, secretary general of the FMC in that territory in the south-central part of the country, told the Cuban News Agency that they decided to return for the second time to this western province with toiletries, clothes, supplies and other items to help those affected by the hydrometeorological event.

From Cienfuegos, members of other organizations such as the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution, the Cuban Workers Association, the Young Communist League and the Hermanos Saiz Association have joined their efforts and in each package they carry the hope of a new rebirth for the population of the land of the best tobacco in the world.

At the same time, the Mariana de Gonitch Singing Academy will tour the provinces of Pinar del Rio, Mayabeque and Artemisa, where, together with the Cultural Goods Fund, it will deliver donations to the victims of Hurricane Ian.

During the tour, scheduled for the next few days, the new singers will offer their art to the inhabitants of the territories, which were hard hit by Ian that caused great material damages in the western part of the Caribbean country. — NNN-ACN


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