Indigenous Mapuche rebels stage new attack in Argentine Patagonia

Indigenous Mapuche rebels stage new attack in Argentine Patagonia
The attackers demanded the release of the women arrested in the Villa Mascardi eviction that prompted Gómez Alcorta's resignation

BUENOS AIRES, Oct 16 (NNN-MERCOPRESS) — A watchman at a Villa la Angostura road construction site was held at gunpoint early Friday by hooded assailants as they set fire to heavy machinery and left a note demanding the release of “Mapuche political prisoners” including the women arrested in the eviction of Villa Mascardi.

Neuquén’s Public Prosecutor’s Office said the arson attack took place 1.30 a.m.

The Mapuche RAM group called for the ”freedom (for) the Mapuche Puelche political prisoners and all Mapuche political prisoners of the Walmapu (Mapuche historical territory).“

”Capitalist winka (white man) out,“ said the text which also listed the construction company IRSA and entrepreneurs in the area such as UK national Joe Lewis, retired basketballer Manu Ginobili, and the Benetton and Roemmers families, among others. ”Nawel Wapi is a territory of the Mapuche nation,“ stated the document under the RAM logo.

”Armed resistance for national reconstruction and liberation“, continued the document before demanding the release of ”the machi and all the lamien (sisters),“ about the seven women arrested in Villa Mascardi who have been charged with ”arson or other types of damage, assault against authority and usurpation.“ The men who were occupying the 40-hectare property escaped into the bush and are still at large.

It was the eviction that led to Elizabeth Gómez Alcorta’s resignation as Argentina’s Women’s Minister.

Security Minister Aníbal Fernández said federal forces will remain in the area ”for an indefinite period of time.” — NNN-MERCOPRESS


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