Cuba participates at Congress on Mangroves of the Americas

Cuba participates at Congress on Mangroves of the Americas

MERIDA (Mexico), Oct 13 (NNN-ACN) — Cuban professionals linked to the international projects Manglar Vivo (Living Mangrove), Resiliencia Costera(Coastal Resilience) and Mi Costa(My Coast) are participating in the 2nd Congress of Mangroves of the Americas, held in the city of Merida, in the Mexican state of Yucatan.

Madelin Delisle Goite, one of the coordinators of Coastal Resilience, told the Cuban News Agency, via Internet, that the Cuban delegation is made up of specialists from the Environment Agency (AMA by its Spanish acronym) and the Institute of Geophysics and Astronomy, and the Caguanes National Park.

She recalled that this global initiative, financed by the European Union and with four direct intervention sites, has the main purpose of strengthening and integrating disaster risk reduction and adaptation to climate change in the socioeconomic development plans of vulnerable coastal municipalities.

Experts indicate that the recovery and strengthening of coastal wetland services (mangroves and swamp forests, fundamentally) allow the dissipation of wave energy and strong winds in cases of extreme hydrometeorological events.

Organized by the universities Espiritu Santo of Ecuador and Autonoma Nacional of Mexico, the 2nd Congress of Mangroves of the Americas is aimed at the scientific community, professionals, university students, ancestral users of mangroves and the public involved in the protection of this ecosystem, according to the Mexican digital newspaper La Verdad.

The program of the meeting defines the attendance of scientists and researchers from countries such as Ecuador, Costa Rica, United States, Guyana, Cuba and Mexico, most of them linked to universities. — NNN-ACN


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