Peru: Pres Castillo says Gov’t promotes right to health and education for young people

Peru: Pres Castillo says Gov’t promotes right to health and education for young people
Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru.

LIMA, Oct 4 (NNN-ANDINA) — Pres Pedro Castillo affirmed that his Government is committed to young people, noting that it works hard to ensure their main rights, such as education and health, and to promote their future for the good of the country.

Remarks were made during the inauguration of the First Meeting of Young People of the Americas: Peru 2022, held in Lima within the framework of the 52nd General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS).

“My Government is firmly committed to guaranteeing the full exercise of your rights: the right to education, health, decent jobs, security, and the opportunity to help you grow and develop your talents,” he said.

The Head of State also stressed that the (country’s) future depends on the work of all Peruvians, which must be done together.

“It is time for us to listen to young people’s voice and innovative ideas, it is time to embrace these initiatives and proposals, while implementing adequate measures that will allow us to take advantage of the momentum, commitment, and strength that young people represent for the Americas,” he stressed. 

In this regard, he recalled that 29% of the population in Peru are young citizens, which is why work is underway to guarantee their main rights.

Castillo said that the existing gaps must be closed because many citizens discontinue their studies after completing high school education, which is why open admission to universities is being promoted.

“You are the engine of change and a source of inspiration. Peru and the Americas expect a lot from your generation to continue building a fairer, more equitable, and developed region,” the President pointed out.

At the Meeting of Young People of the Americas: Peru 2022 held at San Marcos University, young people and hemispheric leaders will debate proposals and solutions to eradicate social gaps in the economic, social and political spheres. — NNN-ANDINA


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