Egypt Mediates To End Palestinian Prisoners’ Hunger Strike In Israeli Prisons

Egypt Mediates To End Palestinian Prisoners’ Hunger Strike In Israeli Prisons

RAMALLAH, Palestine, April 10 (NNN-WAFA) – A Palestinian official, said that, Egypt is exerting efforts with Israel to meet the demands of Palestinian prisoners on a hunger strike in Israeli jails.

“Egyptian mediators are making efforts with Israel, to implement what has been agreed upon between the prisoners and the Israeli prisons services,” said Qadri Abu Bakr, head of the prisoners’ affairs section, in the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO).

Abu Bakr said, the Egyptian efforts “are conducted directly with the Israeli side on one hand, and with the Hamas Movement on the other, within a truce understanding between Palestinian factions and Israel in the Gaza Strip.”

He also pointed out that, the prisoners are watching, what result could come out from the Egyptian efforts, in order to decide whether to proceed with the strike or suspend it.

The PLO official expressed the hope that Israel would respond positively and bring the situation in the prisons back to what it used to be before the strike.

The Palestinian Prisoners’ Club announced that, dozens of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons began, Monday afternoon, an open hunger strike.

Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas politburo chief, said that, the question of Palestinian prisoners’ living situation in Israeli jails was discussed in the truce talks, held between Gaza factions and the Egyptian security delegation.

Haniyeh said, the prisoners’ demands include ending sanctions that were imposed by Israel on the prisoners.

He added that, leaders of the Palestinian factions demanded, through the Egyptian mediators, Israel guarantees a decent life for the prisoners and allow their families to visit them, as they used to do before the sanctions were imposed.

Israel is currently holding more than 6,000 Palestinian prisoners, including 27, who have been in Israeli jails for more than three decades.– NNN-WAFA


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