Syria war: More civilians leave rebel-held Rukban camp


DAMASCUS, April 8 (NNN-Xinhua) — Another batch of civilians reached a crossing point in the Syrian desert on Sunday from the rebel-held Rukban refugee camp in southeastern Syria, state news agency SANA reported.

The evacuees from the camp reached the Jlaighem crossing in the eastern countryside of Homs Province in central Syria after leaving Rukban camp near the U.S.-controlled al-Tanf area in the remote southeastern countryside of Homs, SANA said.

Last Thursday, the first batch of civilians left Rukban with dozens of people reaching government-controlled areas in Homs.

The Syrian government has repeatedly accused the U.S. forces in al-Tanf of preventing aid convoys from reaching the Rukban camp, which is controlled by the rebels near the Syrian-Jordanian border.

On Feb. 19, the Syrian government opened two humanitarian corridors near al-Tanf for the evacuation of people from Rukban.

The Rukban camp is home to 50,000 displaced Syrians, who are suffering from the harsh humanitarian situation because of the cold weather and lack of supplies. — NNN-XINHUA


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