Uzbek Court Sentenced 14 Supporters Of Militant Groups To Jail Terms

Uzbek Court Sentenced 14 Supporters Of Militant Groups To Jail Terms

TASHKENT, Jun 30 (NNN-XINHUA) – A court in Uzbekistan’s southern Surkhandarya region, sentenced 14 supporters of religious militant groups, up to 10 years in jail, the state news agency UzA said, yesterday.

The defendants were found guilty of supporting militant groups in the Middle East, “by disseminating materials that contain ideas of religious extremism, separatism and fanaticism in the social networks,” the report said.

They also used the social media to call for regime change, and to raise money to free jailed leaders of banned militant organisations, the report said.

The defendants, including a woman, were given jail terms from four to ten years, according to the report.– NNN-XINHUA  


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