Slowdown in GDP growth in Palestine in 2018 – statistics bureau

RAMALLAH, April 1 (NNN-WAFA) — Preliminary estimates indicated a slowdown in GDP growth at constant prices in Palestine in 2018 to reach 0.9% compared to 3% in 2017, said the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS).

GDP increased by3% in the West Bank and decreased by 7% in Gaza Strip in 2018 compared to 2017, it said.

Estimates at constant prices showed an increase of 3.4% in GDP in Palestine during the 4th quarter 2018 compared to the 4th quarter 2017 – an increase of 5.3% in the West Bank and a decrease of 3.5% in Gaza Strip.

Data also showed an increase of 3% in Palestine compared to the 3rd quarter 2018.

GDP for the 4th quarter 2018 at constant prices was $2,888 million for the West Bank and $707 million for Gaza Strip.

GDP per capita for Palestine at constant prices was $779 during the 4th quarter 2018 and showed an increase of 0.8% compared to the 4th quarter 2017.

As for the West Bank it was $1,085 at constant prices during the 4th quarter 2018, an increase by 3% during the 4th quarter 2018 compared to the 4th quarter 2017, while for Gaza Strip it was $362 during the 4th quarter 2018, and it showed a decrease by 6% during the 4th quarter 2018 compared to the 4th quarter 2017, said the PCBS. — NNN-WAFA


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