Ukraine A Pawn In U.S. Strategy To Weaken EU, Says Expert

Ukraine A Pawn In U.S. Strategy To Weaken EU, Says Expert

MEXICO CITY, Apr 19 (NNN-CAN) – The conflict in Ukraine is poised to cripple the European Union (EU) and its unified currency, the euro, as policymakers in Washington intended, said a column, published recently by Cuba’s state daily Granma.

Faced with its own decline, the U.S. is working to bring down other potential global heavyweights, by pushing an unnecessary and costly conflict that could have political and economic repercussions for years, international relations expert and columnist, Jorge Casals Llano wrote, in an article headlined “Ukraine in the American anti-European and deglobalisation strategy.”

U.S. strategists have planned the crisis in Ukraine, to “try to stop the imperial decline and the rise of poles of power, capable of challenging it for global hegemony, including Europe,” he said.

It is increasingly clear that Europe has nothing to gain and much to lose from the conflict, spearheaded by the U.S.-led North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), he noted.

In dealing with the U.S., “we must always keep in mind the phrase attributed to John Foster Dulles …’the United States of America does not have friends; it has interests,'” he said.– NNN-CAN  


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