Head Of Yemen’s Newly-Formed Presidential Council Vows To End War

Head Of Yemen’s Newly-Formed Presidential Council Vows To End War

ADEN, Apr 9 (NNN-YPA) – Rashad Al-Alimi, head of Yemen’s newly formed Presidential Leadership Council, vowed yesterday, to work to end the country’s devastating conflict and achieve permanent peace.

On Thursday, Yemeni President, Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, issued a republican decree delegating all his executive powers to the eight-member Presidential Leadership Council, and relieving his Vice President, Ali Mohsin Al-Ahmar, of his duties.

“This council is a council of peace, not war, but it is also a council of defence, power, and unity, and its mission is to protect the nation’s and citizens’ sovereignty,” Al-Alimi said, in his first televised speech, broadcast from Saudi Arabia.

Following seven years of devastating internal conflict, Al-Alimi vowed to work along with other seven members of the Presidential Leadership Council, to end the war and establish a comprehensive and urgent peace process.

He also promised to prioritise the country’s national interests and to work tirelessly to address all political, economic, social, and security challenges.

“We will work without exception or discrimination to meet Yemenis’ demands,” he said, urging Yemeni people to support the state institutions.

Al-Alimi is a well-known Yemeni official, who has been working as an advisor to Hadi since 2014, and held a number of government posts, including minister of the interior.

The other seven members of the council include Aidarous Zubaidi, chief of the pro-secession Southern Transitional Council, and Tariq Saleh, nephew of former Yemeni President, Ali Abdullah Saleh.

Hadi was elected to lead the Arab country on Feb 25, 2012, following the handover of power by former President Saleh, in accordance with the Gulf Initiative on Yemen. — NNN-YPA


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