Angry over Brexit delay, ‘Leave’ supporters march through London

LONDON, March 30 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Thousands of people opposed to Britain delaying its departure from the European Union marched through central London on Friday (March 29) as lawmakers in parliament strongly rejected Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit deal for a third time.

On the day that Britain was originally meant to be leaving the EU, large groups gathered in bright sunshine outside parliament waving Union Jack flags and chanting, “Out means out” – as the Queen song Bohemian Rhapsody was played on a loudspeaker with its famous lyric “Mama Mia, let me go”.

As the result of the vote in parliament filtered through to the crowds on Parliament Square, scattered cheers went up.

The mood of protesters ranged from satisfaction to despair.

Nigel Farage – the politician widely thought to have done more than anyone else to spook Britain’s then government into agreeing to hold the referendum – will address the crowd later.

Farage, former leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party, is due to speak at a “Brexit Betrayal” event as part of the culmination of a 435km, two-week march from Sunderland, northeast England, to London.

Earlier, about 1,000 Leave supporters had gathered at Bishop’s Park on the bank of the River Thames to march the four miles to parliament.

Far-right Leave activists were due to speak at a separate meeting being cast as “a make Brexit happen” rally in Whitehall near May’s office in Downing Street.

Police said they were prepared for potential trouble, although the atmosphere was festive with people drinking beer and eating sandwiches. — NNN-AGENCIES


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