Iranian Ambassador Accuses Israel Of Creating Instability

Iranian Ambassador Accuses Israel Of Creating Instability

TEHRAN, Mar 25 (NNN-IRNA) – The life of Israel is dependent on causing instability, Iran’s ambassador and representative to the United Nations office in Geneva, said yesterday, adding, the Israeli regime ensures its survival at the expense of others.

Esmaeil Baghaei Hamaneh made the remarks, in response to anti-Iran allegations leveled by Israel at a session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC).

Israel blamed Iran for carrying out a missile operation against an Israeli intelligence base, in Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdish regional capital, Erbil, and accused the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) of destabilising the region.

On Mar 13, the IRGC said it hit with missiles an Israeli intelligence base in Erbil.

The operation, according to the IRGC, was in reaction to an Israeli airstrike on Syria’s capital, Damascus, on Mar 7, in which two IRGC officers were killed.

Baghaei Hamaneh noted that, in order to protect and expand itself, Israel is essentially in need of destabilising its surrounding environment.

He added that, Israel has a destabilising characteristic intrinsically, and this reality has been evident throughout “the Zionist regime’s short but miserable lifespan.”

As a consequence of following this logic, the Iranian ambassador said, creating crises and chaos has become a defining and special feature of Israel.– NNN-IRNA


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