Juniper Research: Payment Card Technology Revenue to Exceed $11.7 Billion Globally in 2026, with Metal & Biometric Cards Driving Change

BASINGSTOKE, England, Feb 28 (Bernama-BUSINESS WIRE) — A new Juniper Research study found that global payment card shipment revenue for technology companies will reach $11.7 billion in 2026, from $9.7 billion in 2022. This 20% increase reflects new innovations emerging in the payment cards space while the contactless cards roll-out is reaching its latter stages.

The new research, Payment Card Technologies: Segment Analysis, Vendor Strategies & Market Forecasts 2022-2026, predicted the introduction of biometric cards, metal cards and dynamic CVV (Card Verification Value) cards as being majorly disruptive trends over the next 5 years. These new card types all have the same aim – to make cards fit for the new, digital-first payments ecosystem. The research found that these new card types will help evolve the payment experience for the digital age, increasing security and useability; making card usage more appealing in the face of increasing mobile-first payment innovations.


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