Venezuela, PAHO discuss anti-Covid-19 cooperation route in 2022

Venezuela, PAHO discuss anti-Covid-19 cooperation route in 2022
Venezuela : PAHO to guarantee supply of vaccines against COVID-19 to the country during 2022. Feb. 19, 2022.

CARACAS, Feb 20 (NNN-TELESUR) — As part of the strengthening of the health system in Venezuela, the Vice Minister for Multilateral Issues, Rubén Darío Molina, met with the representative of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) in the country, Gerardo De Cosio.

From the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry, both authorities discussed the roadmap for the year 2022, to promote cooperation in this sector for the benefit of the Venezuelan people and, above all, to give continuity to the immunization plan against COVID-19.

The Venezuelan Government has worked hand in hand with this specialized agency of the United Nations System to acquire anti-COVID vaccines through the Covax Mechanism, created to guarantee fair and equitable access to the antidote for all countries in the world.

On Jan 17, Venezuela received the fifth batch of vaccines from this alliance. The delivery consisted of a total of 3,100,800 doses produced by the Sinopharm laboratory and acquired through the PAHO Revolving Fund.

With this arrival, the country totalled the 12,076,800 doses financed with national resources, within the framework of the agreement signed with the organization last year. — NNN-TELESUR


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