“More Flexibility” Likely From Parties In Next Round Of Vienna Nuke Talks

“More Flexibility” Likely From Parties In Next Round Of Vienna Nuke Talks

TEHRAN, Dec 6 (NNN-IRNA) – The new round of Vienna talks, aimed at the restoration of the 2015 nuclear deal, has been briefly paused, to be continued in Vienna next week. An Iranian expert said, the next round of talks is likely to see “more flexibility” from parties.

The diplomats returned to their capitals for consultations, over the two proposals from the Iranian side, on which Iran has detailed its view on the procedure for lifting U.S. sanctions, and the following steps, to implement the 2015 nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), by all parties.

The Iranian negotiation team also announced that, it has prepared a third document, expounding on verification of lifting sanctions and Iran’s demands for the U.S. guarantee that the next administration would not abandon the deal again.

In response to a question about the demands of the Iranian negotiating team in these proposed documents, Iran’s top nuclear negotiator, Ali Bagheri Kani, stressed in a recent interview that, “our emphasis is that within the framework of JCPOA, all issues related to our nuclear activities must continue.”

He added, any sanctions that violate JCPOA regulations and all sanctions related to the nuclear deal, or imposed and reinstated under the U.S. “maximum pressure” campaign, must be lifted.

Bagheri Kani said that, Iran’s proposals are on the table, and the other side of the talks is supposed to provide “reasonable, documented and logical responses.”

Although some hurdles lie ahead of the progression of recent talks, the Iranian side and other parties argued that, it is still possible to reach an agreement in the talks.

Diako Hosseini, an Iranian researcher of international affairs, told Ebtekar daily yesterday that, “it was not expected that a dispute would be resolved in this round, or the views would come closer to each other…but it will be possible for the views to come closer in future talks.”

Asked where the problem lies at the current negotiating table, the expert said, it is in “the gap in expectations.”

“We had this gap in 2015 (negotiations) as well; and because of the U.S. withdrawal from the JCPOA (in 2018) and its consequences, it is much deeper today. The doubling of sanctions against Iran with different labels, has made things more complicated…In addition, Iran has made progress on its nuclear programme and has reached an unprecedented stage.”

Hosseini, however, said, “It is expected that in subsequent talks, the positions (of negotiating parties) will gradually become more flexible and the parties will move away from the tenacious approach of the past. In the next round of talks, I think, we will reach this understanding of the flexible points of the two sides’ positions.”– NNN-IRNA


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