Covid-19: Argentine national gov’t to hunt down those unregistered for vax

Covid-19: Argentine national gov’t to hunt down those unregistered for vax
Teams will try to persuade people to take the drug, but it will not be mandatory

BUENOS AIRES, Sept 30 (NNN-MERCOPRESS) — Argentina’s Federal Health Council announced that although immunization will not be mandatory, a nationwide house-by-house vaccination campaign will be launched for those who have not registered to take their injections.

Similar undertakings have been carried out by various provincial governments,

The vaccinating squads will reportedly try to persuade people of the advantages of taking the drugs, Health Minister Carla Vizzotti explained after a Council meeting in Mar del Plata.

The official also pointed out 5 million new doses were due in Argentina next week.

Provinces such as Salta have already carried out operations with mobile vaccinations to approach people with difficulties registering.

The Federal Health Council (Cofesa) decided to go “house by house” to look for people who did not sign up for the coronavirus vaccination plan launched by the national government to convince them to do so, Vizzotti said.

Cofesa began its deliberations in the city of Mar del Plata to analyze the epidemiological situation in the country and the progress of the main health policies, led by Vizzotti and Health officials from all over the country.

Vizzotti also highlighted the fact that the country has had “almost 1 7 consecutive weeks of decrease in the number of cases, ” with a level of hospitalizations similar to that of “June last year, ”which stood out as a “low and very encouraging figure.”

The minister also pondered that the measures implemented by the national State allowed “delaying the entry” of the Delta variant and “continuing to delay the circulation” of the virus.

“We have achieved this with timely measures from the national government and very important work from the jurisdictions,” she stressed.

“It is going to be possible to make a very important leap and Argentina, in the next few days, will reach 50% vaccination coverage with a complete scheme, ” she added. — NNN-MERCOPRESS


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