TEPCO Power Grid, Inc.: Agreement Signed Over Project for Improvement of Power Utility Management of Electricite Du Laos

TOKYO, Sept 27 (Bernama-BUSINESS WIRE) — On September 22, TEPCO Power Grid, Inc. (President and Managing Executive Director: Yoshinori Kaneko) has formed a joint venture with three companies including Tokyo Electric Power Services Co., Ltd. (President: Yasuhiro Kubo) and World Business Associates Co., Ltd. (President: Jun Sugiura) that signed an agreement with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (hereinafter referred to as, “JICA”) over the Project for Improvement of Power Utility Management of Electricite du Laos.

In 2020, the government of Laos decided to break off the transmission division of Electricite Du Laos (hereinafter referred to as, “EDL”) and establish the Electricite Du Laos Transmission Company, Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as, “EDL-T”) for the purpose of handling power transmission both within and outside of Laos. In conjunction with the establishment of EDL-T, selling its high-voltage transmission division and creating company strategies and business plans in this new business environment have become pressing issues as it negotiates power sales contracts with neighboring countries, manages consigned transmission based upon transmission agreements and strengthens its distribution business.



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