Venezuelan gov’t, opposition talks show sovereignty, independence: electoral council

Following the announcement, Maduro in televised remarks said that the 'popular sovereignty has been reimposed' [File: Reuters]

CARACAS, Sept 4 (NNN-Xinhua) — Ongoing talks between the Venezuelan government and the opposition group are an expression of the country’s sovereignty and independence, Venezuela’s National Electoral Council (CNE) said as negotiations resumed in Mexico.

“Dialogue, political understanding, peace, diversity and pluralism define these negotiations,” the CNE said in a Friday statement, noting that they are “essential values” of Venezuela’s national life.

It welcomed the memorandum of understanding reached in August between the two sides and the start of negotiations, “which seek solutions to the political differences that exist within Venezuelan society.”

“The memorandum is the result of a long process of dialogue, negotiations and agreement between the parties, with Norway’s mediation, which aim to find formulae for political, economic and social understanding,” the CNE said.

It noted that “the selection of the CNE itself by the National Assembly in May showed a willingness to reach a national agreement.”

Moreover, it said that the CNE “adds its voice” to that of the Venezuelan people in demanding a “peaceful” constitutional agreement “that will allow for the stabilization of the country, with absolute respect for self-determination.” — NNN-XINHUA


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