NE China Ports Handle Over 3,000 China-Europe Freight Trains This Year

NE China Ports Handle Over 3,000 China-Europe Freight Trains This Year

HARBIN, Aug 27 (NNN-XINHUA) – North-east China’s ports of Manzhouli and Suifenhe, on the China-Russia border, have seen over 3,000 China-Europe freight train trips this year, according to the China Railway Harbin Group Co., Ltd.

As of Wednesday, the two ports had handled 3,037 China-Europe freight train trips, with 291,186 TEUs of goods, up 35.5 percent and 44.6 percent year on year, respectively.

In the same period, Suifenhe port witnessed 323 China-Europe freight train trips, with 29,176 TEUs of cargo, surging by 207.6 percent and 218.7 percent, respectively.

Over 50 China-Europe freight train routes pass through the two ports, linking more than 10 countries with 60 Chinese cities, including Guangzhou, Changsha and Tianjin, among others.– NNN-XINHUA


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