Mexico shelters five women from Afghan robotics team

Mexico shelters five women from Afghan robotics team
Members of the Afghan robotics team, Mexico City, Mexico, Aug. 24, 2021.

MEXICO CITY, Aug 26 (NNN-TELESUR) — The Mexican government of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) received five Afghan women members of a robotics team and the partner of one of them.

“We may be very far from what is happening in Afghanistan. However, the human cause, the protection of values, and the causes that identify Mexicans today, have made us commit ourselves so that they are in Mexico,” Foreign Affairs Minister Marcelo Ebrard said.

“They are the bearers of a dream and a reality they have built with many difficulties, which is to show that we can have an egalitarian, fraternal, and gender-equal world,” he added.

The Afghan team, “made up of girls and women as young as 14, has been heralded for winning international awards for its robots and started work in March on an open-source, low-cost ventilator”.

Since the 19th century, Mexico has developed a long diplomatic tradition in favor of the protection of the politically persecuted. This country, for example, received the Cuban poet Jose Marti, thousands of refugees after the Spanish Civil War, communities of Jews persecuted during World War II, and thousands of left-wing activists who fled the dictatorships of South America.

The Undersecretary for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights Martha Delgado said that Mexico carried out various diplomatic efforts to prepare the trip of the young women on Aug 23 through commercial flights that were fully financed with funds from different organizations.

The five Afghan women, who were granted a humanitarian visa for up to 180 days with the right to extension, will be housed in an institution that has offered them accommodation, food and basic services at no cost. — NNN-TELESUR


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