Pres Lopez Obrador Pledges to Investigate Corruption in Mexican Consulates

MEXICO CITY, March 13 (NNN-Prensa Latina) — President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador promised to investigate fully the corruption denounced in Mexican consulates abroad and announced they presented to the Senate proposals for new U.S. consuls.

A Mexican journalist apparently settled in the United States offered the president almost minimal details of the widespread crimes committed in that country and the diabolical mechanisms to obtain an appointment for any migratory procedure, from obtaining a visa to a passport, and the illegal payment.

The reporter explained that each appointment permit or approval is accompanied by a payment in dollars that is not established, and the same applies to other consular procedures, and that there is even a company apparently headquartered in Mexico responsible for the mechanism that allows or facilitates corruption.

The president listened to the complaint and replied to the reporter that they are working for the consulates to function properly, that what she said was being searched and would personally deliver it to Foreign Secretary Marcelo Ebrard to add to his investigations.

“We are precisely presenting to the Senate the new consuls in the United States where there are 50 consulates and we want them to protect the 24 million Mexicans who live and work in that country. We are also seeking, for the same reason, that the consulates become a kind of procurator’s office for protecting our migrant fellow countrymen.

“It is the approach we want to give them depending on human rights, even if they are Mexican citizens sentenced to death, we have the political and moral obligation to attend to them, protect them and defend them. We are not in favor of the death penalty and in the United States that very harsh punishment is applied,” he said.

He reiterated to the journalist that the information provided had been taken and would be thoroughly investigated because they were very interested in the comments and contributions.

He said that this is a responsibility and called on all Mexicans to put honesty first as a way of life and government. If we all help to put an end to corruption, Mexico’s rebirth will be achieved, he said.

“This is the great reform we are making and it is important for society and for the economy. If you ask me what model we are applying,” he said, “I would say it is anti-corruption and, as I said Monday, we will demonstrate that if there is no corruption there is economic growth.”

That is the model that is put into practice, it is going to be successful and it is going to be a global example, he reaffirmed.

“No economic model works with corruption, it is the major lesson that this process leaves us. If there is corruption, there is no growth, not even personal, much less social development. We are going to demonstrate that without corruption we can free funds, and achieve well-being,peace and tranquillity, and even more if we add to this the austerity of the republic, Franciscan.” — NNN-PRENSA LATINA


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