Turkey, Russia Discuss Joint Patrols In Syria’s Tal Rifaat

Turkey, Russia Discuss Joint Patrols In Syria’s Tal Rifaat

ANKARA, Turkey, March 13 (NNN-ANADOLU) – Turkey and Russia are discussing possible “joint patrols” in Syria’s Tal Rifaat, local media reported.

“Coordinated efforts are ongoing, in order to prevent attacks from the PKK/YPG in Tal Rifaat, in the Operation Euphrates Shield,” daily Hurriyet quoted a security official, as saying.

The latest such meetings were held on March 11, the official added.

“Negotiations continue, to carry out joint patrols with the Russian Federation in this region,” said the official.

Last week, Turkey and Russia started coordinated patrols in rebel stronghold of Idlib, as part of a deal aiming at a cease-fire in the region.

Tal Rifaat, a strategic town, which constitutes a bridge between two cantons of Syrian Kurds, is under the control of the People’s Protection Units (YPG) since Feb, 2016.

The town is located in the south-east of Afrin and the east of Jarablus, the areas where Turkey has deployed troops, after Operation Euphrates Shield and Operation Olive Branch.

The YPG is regarded by Ankara as the Syrian branch of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), listed as a terrorist organisation.– NNN-ANADOLU


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