Irresponsible Withdrawal Of U.S. And NATO Forces From Afghanistan Lead To Unrest: Pakistani FM

Irresponsible Withdrawal Of U.S. And NATO Forces From Afghanistan Lead To Unrest: Pakistani FM

ISLAMABAD, Aug 10 (NNN-APP) – Pakistani Foreign Minister, Shah Mahmood Qureshi, yesterday said that, irresponsible withdrawal of the U.S. and NATO forces from Afghanistan, may give benefit to militants and lead to unrest in the country.

Addressing a press conference here, the official called for a responsible and orderly withdrawal of the troops, without leaving a vacuum for the militant element to play havoc and create a chaotic situation for the region.

He also expressed concern over the rising cases of violence in Afghanistan, during the withdrawal process of U.S. and NATO forces.

Qureshi noted that, the Afghan peace process is at a critical stage, and there is a dire need to find a broad-based and inclusive settlement through an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned process.

Underlining the sacrifices made by his country, due to the unrest in Afghanistan, the Pakistani official said, Pakistan is a victim of the war in the neighbouring country.

“The price that we paid has to be understood. We have had close to 80,000 casualties, we have suffered huge economic losses. The world should not be oblivious to that.”

The foreign minister said, Pakistan played its role in the Afghan peace and reconciliation process, and now, it was up to the Afghan leadership to move the intra-Afghan dialogue process further.

Talking about his country’s efforts for the Afghan peace process, Qureshi said, Pakistan “played an instrumental role in bringing the Afghan Taliban to the negotiating table in 2019. Pakistan facilitated the conclusion of the U.S.-Taliban peace agreement in Feb, 2020 in Doha.”

Stressing upon the international community to play its role to bring peace in Afghanistan, Qureshi said, the world should realise “peace and stability in Afghanistan is a shared responsibility and the international community cannot shy away from it.”

He briefed the media that his country is making sure to check on people, coming in and going out of Pakistan, through the Afghan border, while it has completed 98 percent of border fencing.– NNN-APP


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