Afghan forces operations kill 23 militants in northern Faryab

Afghan forces operations kill 23 militants in northern Faryab

MAIMANA (Afghanistan), July 29 (NNN-Xinhua) — A total of 23 militants were confirmed dead and three others injured as Afghan government forces backed by air power stormed Taliban hideouts in Pashtunkot and Almar districts of the northern Faryab province on Wednesday, army spokesman in the northern region Mohammad Hanif Rezai said.

In the operations launched Wednesday afternoon, a large number of arms and ammunitions as well as four motorbikes of the militants were also destroyed, the official said.

According to the official, the government forces will continue to pursue the militants elsewhere in the restive province.

Taliban militants, who are reportedly in control of major parts of Faryab province and have been fighting to overrun the provincial capital Maimana city, have yet to make comments. — NNN-XINHUA


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