Portugal’s Economic Recovery Must Have “An Eye To The Future”: PM

Portugal’s Economic Recovery Must Have “An Eye To The Future”: PM

LISBON, Jul 26 (NNN-AGENCIES) – Portuguese Prime Minister, Antonio Costa, said yesterday that, the country’s economic recovery after the pandemic crisis will be done “with an eye to the future.”

“For this reason, the two great engines of this recovery are to face two major challenges that lie ahead — the climate transition and the digital transition,” he said, in a speech in the city of Coimbra, central Portugal.

What’s more, he said, the country has an “ambitious programme,” to ensure decent housing for the poorest, as well as, “affordable housing for the middle class, in particular, the new generations and students who need to move to attend university.”

The Portuguese head of government referred to an expected investment of 2.75 billion euros (3.24 billion U.S. dollar), foreseen in the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) for the “immediate revival of the economy,” as well as, “solving a structural problem in the country,” which is housing.

“If we want to keep the new generations among us, we have to ensure conditions so that the new generations can have autonomy in life and live among us. We have to create conditions for the new generations to become autonomous and to be able to build the family they want to build,” Costa said.

The prime minister noted that, investments will be made to improve energy efficiency and the reindustrialisation of Portugal after the COVID-19 crisis.

Portugal registered 17,292 deaths and 953,059 infections since the beginning of the pandemic. Over 47 percent of the population has been fully vaccinated, according to the country’s health authorities.–m NNN-AGENCIES


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