How Do Japanese Female Millennials View CLMV (Cambodia / Lao PDR / Myanmar / Viet Nam) as Travel Destinations? Webinars Based on the Results of Travel Sentiment Survey to Be Organized on June 21 & 22 by ASEAN-Japan Centre

TOKYO, June 16 (Bernama-BUSINESS WIRE) — ASEAN-Japan Centre (AJC) will organize the webinar “CLMV (Cambodia / Lao PDR / Myanmar / Viet Nam) Travel Sentiment Survey – strategic post-pandemic approaches to attract Japanese female millennials” on June 21 and 22, 2021. It will be based on the results of CLMV¹ travel sentiment survey conducted in January 2021 by AJC. Ms. Yui Hiramatsu, the Manager of Marketing Solution Department from Valise Inc., the company which was commissioned to conduct the survey, will explain the results of the survey including how Japanese female millennials collect travel information on social media and what impressions they have on each CLMV country as a travel destination, all of which may be helpful in creating tour products and improving the use of social media in tourism promotion especially for those targeting Japanese travelers.

According to Japan Tourism Agency, the number of annual Japanese overseas travelers surpassed 20 million for the first time in 2019² where women in their twenties ranked first in both age and gender categories³. As an agency promoting tourism in ASEAN countries, especially CLMV countries, AJC conducted a travel sentiment survey targeting Japanese women in their 20s and 30s in anticipation of the with- and post-COVID-19 travel.


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