NEW DELHI, May 4 (NNN-PTI) – Indian Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, yesterday said, enhanced regional and global cooperation was the key to success, in the common pursuit of resilient recovery, in wake of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Sitharaman said, information on tools for fighting COVID-19 should be shared internationally.
“Information on all tools for fighting COVID-19 – diagnostic, therapeutic, vaccines or technology, should be shared internationally,” she said, while speaking at the annual meeting of the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
Sitharaman emphasised on the need to enable India’s access to critical raw materials, essential for India’s vaccine manufacturing capacity.
“Cooperation for resilient and sustainable growth needs the involvement of multilateral institutions, for the creation of digital assets, as well as, disaster resilient assets, while keeping human development a priority,” she said, assuring that India stands ready to strengthen all efforts, aimed at enhancing regional, as well as, global cooperation.
Sitharaman appreciated ADB for providing timely financial support for COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 projects in India.
“There should be a greater focus on health resilience in the Asia-Pacific and ADB should come out with comprehensive solutions to address the same,” she said.
ADB, which groups 68 members, is holding its 54th Annual Meeting of the board of governors, in a virtual format, on May 3-5, with a focus on deepening collaboration for a resilient and green recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.– NNN-PTI